Sparkly Bokeh Background

Get Your Life From Stuck To Sparkling NOW!


Ask Yourself These Questions...

Are You STUCK???

Woman Experiencing Fatigue at Work

In a shitty job?

Over Sized Woman Body Weight Frustration Concept

In a health rut?

Sad woman drinking wine sitting alone by the window

Feeling like your

life just kinda sucks right now?

Thinking at the beach

Afraid to say what you really want for fear of what people will think or that it’s just not possible?

Feeling like life is passing you by and that time is running out to live the life you really want?

Sick and tired of waiting for the “right time” to make a change?

And Are You.....

It’s Time To Get Your Life Sparkling Now!

So what is a “Sparkling Life?”

Well I could spin you some happy horseshit about how it’s a life where you have all your dreams magically come true and you have the perfect life, job and body.

However, the truth is your Sparkling Life

is a life that you can feel proud of because you did what you needed to do to get yourself UNSTUCK from whatever was holding you back and now you are truly

living the life you really want.

Every little step you take now gets you closer to


Sun Rays Outline

Are You Ready For a No BS Plan To Help You Start

Living The Life YOU want?

“Get Unstuck And Unsuck Your Life Now”

An Easy 12-Week 5 Step No BS One on One Coaching Program


(Week 1) We Ignite That Spark And Figure Out What You REALLY Want

Young plus Size Woman Celebrating Victory.
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(Weeks 2-3) We Figure Out What’s Got You So

Damn Stuck!

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(Weeks 4-5) We Start Getting You UNSTUCK And Create A New Story Of What’s Really Possible For You

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(Weeks 6-11) We Take Action & Start Moving You Closer Towards Actually Living That Sparkling Life You Really Want

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(Week 12) We Celebrate and Toast To Your Sparkling Life!

Plus: Weekly progress tracker, accountability check-ins and

access to me between sessions via email, text or WhatsApp as needed.


To celebrate YOU finally getting UNSTUCK I’ll send you $25 so you can pick up a bottle of your favorite sparkling wine or beverage! We’ll then celebrate how far you’ve come by toasting to all your progress over the past 12 weeks and to your future Sparkling Life that doesn’t suck!!*

Woman Having Champagne at Summer Party

Life Is Too Short To Suck!

So What Are You Waiting For?

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Hi, I’m Nancy Cambino and I'm your SPARKLING LIFE COACH! So WTF is that exactly? Well, I had a bunch of training so I know all the right questions to ask you to get you UNSTUCK from whatever is holding you back from your amazing life! I will also cheerlead you, challenge you and call you out on your BS when necessary. Yeah it’s a little tough love but don’t worry I promise we’ll have lots of fun along the way! Also, I swear a bit so if that offends you I’m probably not your gal! :-)

Just like you, I felt I was STUCK in a rut! After a successful 35 year career in radio marketing, I just couldn't get over that feeIing of being restless, frustrated and just not really happy any more. I was scared shitless to give up my career because of the financial stability and my identity from that career. But after some soul searching and some good coaching, I decided to quit my job and dedicate my time to becoming a transformational life coach. Scary as hell? Oh yes! But I realized just how much I loved being able to coach and mentor so many people throughout my career so it all started to make sense to me that this was now my purpose and my new Sparkling Life!

Get Your Free

My Sparkling Life

Discovery Journal

Use this journal with thought-provoking questions and activities to start helping you get UNSTUCK and start living the life you want now!

And If You Want To Get Even More...


My Sparkling Life Coach

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Contact me today to get a FREE

“Stuck To Sparkling” life assessment and My Sparkling Life Discovery Journal.

See where in your life you need to get “unstuck” and where you

already sparkle!

Or if you’re just ready to jump in and start now

click here, save a few bucks and get 2 extra coaching sessions plus your free

My Sparkling Life Discovery Journal!